Iwi Management Plans (IMPs) can be used in the resource consent process to:
identify the relevant tangata whenua and their preferred method of engagement for potential resource consent applicants.
Note: section 36A of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) clarifies that neither an applicant for resource consent nor a council has a duty to consult any person in respect of applications for resource consent or notices of requirement. However, councils still need to consider whether specific iwi or hapū are an affected party, and applicants and/or the council may need to make contact to identify any potential effects on Māori cultural values or interests.
help potential applicants for resource consent identify, early on, relevant matters that should be considered in preparing an assessment of environment effects (AEE) through the information requirements contained in section 88(2). IMPs assist applicants and councils to identify where a cultural impact assessment report may be required to inform the preparation of an AEE (see Frequently Asked Questions on Cultural Impact Assessment ).
form an opinion as to whether tangata whenua, and which iwi or hapū, may be adversely affected by an activity subject to a resource consent application.
provide guidance and assistance to council officers and decision makers when considering resource consent applications, particularly relevant Part 2 matters pertaining to Māori cultural values and interests (section 104(1)(c)).
highlight any other matters important to the tangata whenua of the district/region that may be relevant and necessary to determining the application.
Until such time as IMPs are adequately taken into account in RMA policies and plans, the resource consent process is important to help deliver resource management outcomes sought by iwi/hapū. The resource consent process is also important to demonstrate outcomes that implement Part 2 provisions of the RMA pertaining to Māori .