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Search Ministry for the Environment publications
- Administration Charges
- Resource Management (Discount on Administrative Charges) Regulations 2010: Implementation Guide ( Ministry for the Environment; December 2010)
- Analysis of 2007/08 Development Contributions (Department of Internal Affairs; June 2008)
- Analysis of 2007/08 Financial Contributions (Department of Internal Affairs; June 2008)
- Affected Parties
- Dispute Resolution: Funding an Advocate for Affected Parties (Duncan Mackenzie; March 2003)
- Appeals
- Resolving Resource Management Act Concerns (Ministry for the Environment; August 2006)
- Assessment of Environmental Effects
- When is Enough, Enough? Dealing with Cumulative Effects Under the RMA (Simpson Grierson; February 2008)
- Cultural Impact Assessment, Proposed Subdivision: Matakana Island (Beca Group Ltd; 2008)
- Cultural Impact Assessment – Wastewater Discharge (Te Runanga o Kaikoura; April 2007)
- Cultural Impact Assessment for a Proposed Plan Change and Coastal Subdivision at Claverley (Te Runanga o Kaikoura; February 2007)
- A Guide to Preparing a Basic AEE (Ministry for the Environment; August 2006)
- Case Law and s 106 of the RMA (New Zealand Planning Institute; January 2002)
- Auditing Assessments of Environmental Effects: A Good Practice Guide (Ministry for the Environment; March 1999)
- Consent Orders
- Consent Order Standard Form (Ministry of Justice)
- Decision Making
- Conflicts of Interest – A Guide to the Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968 and Non-pecuniary Conflicts of Interest (Office of the Controller and Auditor-General; August 2004)
- Illuminated or Blinded by Science? A Discussion Paper on the Role of Science in Environmental Policy and Decision-Making (Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment; July 2003)
- Existing Use Rights
- Existing Use Rights and Resource Consents (New Zealand Planning Institute; January 2002)
- Global Consents
- Useful Planning Technique? The Use of Global or Blanket Consents (New Zealand Planning Institute; March 2000)
- Mining
- Water Quality and Activities that Cause River Bed Disturbance (Resource Management Law of Association of New Zealand; November 2002)
- Mining and the Resource Management Act (Resource Management Law of Association of New Zealand; January 2000)
- Long-Term Management of the Environmental Effects of Tailings Dams (Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment; August 1997)
- Notification
- Recent Rulings from the Courts (New Zealand Planning Institute; June 2007)
- How Minor is ‘Minor’? (New Zealand Planning Institute; November 2003)
- Dispute Resolution: Side Agreement Before Notification of a Plan Change (Auckland Council; March 2003)
- Resource Consent Applications
- Appearing at a Resource Consent Hearing (Ministry for the Environment; December 2009)
- Applying for a Resource Consent (Ministry for the Environment; December 2009)
- Consultation for Resource Consent Applicants (Ministry for the Environment; December 2009)
- Making a Submission on a Resource Consent (Ministry for the Environment; December 2009)
- Your Guide to the Environment Court (Ministry for the Environment; December 2009)
- Your Rights as an ‘Affected Person’ (Ministry for the Environment; December 2009)
- A Guide to Preparing a Basic AEE (Ministry for the Environment; August 2006)
- Climate Change and Resource Consent Decisions (Resource Management Law Association of New Zealand; June 2004)
- Pre-Hearing Meetings: A Practical Guide for Councils (Ministry for the Environment; March 1999)
- Side Agreements in the Resource Consent Process: Implications for Environmental Management (Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment; January 1998)
- Resource Consent Conditions
- No Complaints Covenants (Bell Gully; August 2008)
- Rulings from the Courts (New Zealand Planning Institute; December 2007)
- Lightening the Consent Compliance Burden (New Zealand Planning Institute; December 2006)
- Odour Emissions Standards Established under the Resource Management Act 1991 for Moa Point Treatment Plant, Wellington (Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment; November 2004)
- Reverse Sensitivity – Are No-Complaints Instruments a Solution? (New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law; 2003)
- Effective and Enforceable Consent Conditions (Ministry for the Environment; June 2001)
- Guide to Landfill Consent Conditions (Ministry for the Environment; March 2001)
- Conditional Written Approvals: the Problem and Possible Solutions (Resource Management Law Association of New Zealand; January 2001)
- Resource Consent Conditions – Compensation for Adverse Environmental Effects (Resource Management Law Association of New Zealand; November 1997)
- Good Practice Guide – Administration of Compliance with Resource Consents (Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment; January 1997)
- Resource Consent Processing
- Resource Consent Processing: Showcasing Best Practice Case Studies (Ministry for the Environment; June 2010)
- Contracting Out Local Authority Regulatory Functions (Office of the Controller and Auditor General; June 2010)
- Six-Month Wellington City Council Plan Monitoring Report (Wellington City Council; March 2004)
- SNZ HB 9213:2003 Guide to Local Government Service Delivery Options (Standards New Zealand; June 2003)
- Resource Consent Reporting (New Zealand Planning Institute; March 2003)
- Variations to Resource Consents Under Section 127 (New Zealand Planning Institute; March 2003)
- Managing Resource Use Activities – Consents Rule! (Resource Management Law Association of New Zealand; January 1998)
- Timeframes
- Recent rulings from the Courts (New Zealand Planning Institute; December 2007)
- Reducing the Delays: Enhancing New Zealand’s Environment Court (Ministry for the Environment; March 2003)
- Streamlining RMA Approvals for Land Transport Projects: A Study of Delays in Major Roading Projects (Ministry for the Environment; February 2003)
- Resource Consent Durations and Reviews: A Study of Regional Council and Unitary Authority Practice Under the Resource Management Act 1991 (Ministry for the Environment; September 2000)