What is an iwi Management Plan?

An iwi management plan (IMP) is a term commonly applied to a resource management plan prepared by an iwi, iwi authority, rūnanga or hapū.

IMPs are generally prepared as an expression of rangatiratanga to help iwi and hapū exercise their kaitiaki roles and responsibilities. IMPs are a written statement identifying important issues regarding the use of natural and physical resources in their area. While the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) does not define IMPs, it refers to these plans as 'planning documents recognised by an iwi authority'. More information is available at: What is the statutory recognition for an iwi management plan?

IMPs are often holistic documents that cover more than RMA matters. They may assume a variety of shapes and forms; from formal planning documents similar to council policy documents, to more informal statements of iwi policies. An IMP may also be referred to as an iwi or hapū natural resource or environmental management plan.

IMPs may address a single issue or resource such as freshwater or Māori heritage, or provide a regional assessment of issues of significance to iwi/hapū in a given area.


Mahaanui Iwi Management Plan 2013

Te Awanui: Tauranga Harbour Iwi Management Plan 2008 (PDF, 7.6 MB)

Hapū/Iwi Management Plan of Nga Ariki Kaiputahi 2012 (Gisborne District Council website) (PDF, 3.8 MB)