The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) requires iwi management plans (IMPs) to be 'lodged' with the relevant local authority for them to be considered under the RMA. Lodging an IMP can simply involve the iwi authority delivering a copy to the relevant local authority through the post, by email or over the counter. However, often an official launch will be held on a marae, or some other kind of formal notification will be given by the iwi authority. Environment Bay of Plenty and the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council have official lodgement forms to help ensure all IMPs are known and accurately recorded.
- Environment Bay of Plenty Official Lodgement Form for a Hapū/Iwi Planning Document
- Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Iwi/Hapu Management Plan Lodgement Form
Section 35A of the RMA requires each local authority to keep and maintain a record of any planning document within its region or district that is recognised by an iwi authority and lodged with the council. Council records must also include:
- the contact details of each iwi authority and group that represents hapū for RMA purposes (the Crown, through Te Puni Kōkiri, provides this information as a starting point at
the planning documents recognised by iwi authorities and lodged with the Council
- any area of the region or district over which one or more iwi or hapū exercise kaitiakitanga.
any Mana Whakahono a Rohe entered into.