Monitoring of processes and practices

Local authorities must monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of processes used in exercising their powers and performing functions and duties under the RMA. This includes (but is not limited to) matters such as:  

  • Timeliness (e.g. numbers of consents processed on time and numbers processed not on time, time taken to issue decisions on submissions to plan changes); and 

  • Cost (e.g. levels of resourcing for plan-making, resource consents, monitoring and enforcement, costs of consents by type); and 
  • The overall satisfaction of persons and bodies that interact with council’s performance of its functions (e.g. customer survey responses, focus group research, public surveys and monitoring complaint information could all be used to assess satisfaction with the performance of council processes).  

The requirement in s35(2) to “take appropriate action” to improve efficiency and effectiveness “where this is shown to be necessary” should include publishing information about the conclusions of this monitoring and actions (proposed or underway) to address the results.  

MfE collect and present information from all local authorities on their implementation of the RM