What Timeframes Apply?

The time frames and processes for a non-notified application are shown in the flowcharts linked below: 

Flowchart for resource consent process for non-notified applications 

Flowchart for resource consent process for fast-track consents 

A fast track application must be decided within 10 working days (s115(4)), and other non-notified applications that do not require a hearing must be decided within 20 working days.

If the application is non-notified but does require a hearing, the hearing must commence within 35 days of the application being lodged.

Unlike notified applications, the hearing days for a non-notified application are excluded from the working day calculation (by the Resource Management (Discount in Administrative Charges) Regulations 2010.

A decision must then be issued within 15 working days of the close of the hearing.


Non notified application with a hearing

50 days



35 working days to commence a hearing

15 working days to issue a decision



Non notified application with no hearing

20 days



20 working days to issue decision








Fast track application



10 days







10 working days to issue a decision






The timeframes for notified and limited notified applications are longer to allow for submissions to be provided and considered. Decisions must be issued within 130 working days from lodgement (approximately six months) for publicly notified applications where a hearing is held, 100 working days for limited notified applications where a hearing is held, and 60 working days for notified applications where no hearing is required.

For more information refer to the notified and limited notified resource consents guidance note