District plans can include the environmental results expected from the policies and methods but this is not a mandatory requirement. Where expected environmental results are included, plans should identify specific measurable outcomes that are being worked towards. This is important as monitoring the success or otherwise of plan provisions is a requirement under s35 of the RMA. They can also provide a useful basis to determine whether existing provisions need to be adjusted.
Monitoring can be used to:
- establish how well the plan provisions are working - monitoring ideally needs to be measurable and real outcomes are important (e.g. reduced travel times, reductions in the number and intensity of accidents)
- learn how land use is affecting transportation, and how transportation is affecting land use. It may be useful to seek input from other agencies affected by land use such as the NZTA and rail providers
- provide input into RLTS monitoring requirements, particularly in relation to land use activities
- assess the impact of cumulative effects on transportation infrastructure.