Managing the Monitoring Process

  • Actively manage the monitoring and reporting project.

  • Risks decrease with good project management - both at set up time and throughout the process.

  • Map out a clear project plan of what will happen when and who is responsible, and ensure this addresses what you will do to manage risks.

  • Identify the resources you have available and make sure you design the project to match these.

  • Data collection can take longer than expected - allow plenty of time and set up good systems and processes for data collection, storage, management and reporting.

  • Consider an independent review of the methodology, as good quality data and information is important.

  • A big part of project management is expectation management. Develop a communications strategy or plan.

  • Identify priorities - 'start small if you are small' - to make the best use of resources.

  • If producing a written report, manage report production once the scope of the report has been determined. Consider the format of the report in terms of publication on the web.

  • Establish a table of contents.

  • Develop a detailed brief and writing instructions for chapter authors.

  • Edit the report/s and ensure it is relevant to the audience. Consider the use of a neutral editor.

  • Monitoring is a long-term process and there are likely to be staff changes over time. The process should therefore be documented and filed in an accessible location.

  • Put good systems in place up front and your organisation will reap the benefits.

  • Think ahead, plan well and assign a good project manager.

  • Have a coordinated approach eg, one identified coordinator.

  • Involve a range of people to make use of different skills.