Local Approaches - Other Mechanisms

  • Urban design strategies outline the principles of good urban design and provide strategic actions to translate these principles into policy and practice. Urban design considers the relationship between roads and the character and functioning of urban and rural environments through which they pass. The location and form of roads and buildings may also be considered.
  • Bylaws can address matters such as heavy vehicle and engine braking through the use of signage and the establishment of vehicle entry restrictions.
  • NZ Standards can provide technical guidance (eg, NZS 6805:1992 Port noise management and land use planning and NZS 6805:1999 Airport noise management and land use planning). The standards outline methods and guidance for establishing noise assessment and land use planning provisions through district plans.
  • Building guidance or codes of practice set out performance criteria for buildings.
  • Roading authority guidance such as NZTA's Environmental Plan and the Noise Guideline in its Planning Policy Manual. The plan and guideline contain performance criteria to assist NZTA to design new roads and address existing noise problems.