Section 28A(1)(b) requires a regional council to supply information about the monitoring of its regional coastal plan to the Minister of Conservation, if requested. Regional councils have 20 working days to supply this information, unless a longer time frame is set by the Minister of Conservation (s28A(3)).
Section 32 requires an evaluation report to be prepared for changes to policies and plans. Among other things, the report must assess the efficiency and effectiveness of proposed provisions in achieving objectives. Environmental, economic (including growth and employment), social, and cultural effects are all relevant considerations. Advice and feedback from iwi authorities needs to be summarised, including responses to that advice.
Section 35 specifies the duty to gather information, monitor and keep records. In particular s35(2)(b) requires every local authority to monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of policies, rules or other methods in its policy statement or plan for its region or district.
Under s35(2A) local authorities are required to prepare a report at least every five years on the results of their monitoring under s35(2)(b) for policy and plan efficiency and effectiveness. This may be some form of integrated policy and plans, consents and compliance, complaints and state of the environment reporting.
Under s35(2)(ca) Councils must monitor efficiency and effectiveness of their processes including matters such as timeliness, cost and overall satisfaction of persons and bodies involved in Council performing its functions and duties.
Section 35(3) requires every local authority to keep reasonably available at its principal office, information which is relevant to the administration of policy statements and plans, the monitoring of resource consents, and current issues relating to the environment in the area, to enable the public -
- to be better informed of their duties and of the functions, powers and duties of the local authority
- to participate effectively under the Act.
Section 62(1)(j) requires that a regional policy statement must state... 'the procedures used to monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of the policies or methods contained in the statement'.
Section 67(2)(e) notes that a regional plan may state... 'the procedures for monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of the policies and methods' contained in the plan.
Section 75(2)(e) notes that a district plan may state... 'the procedures for monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of the policies and methods' contained in the plan.
Section 79 requires councils to undertake a review of provisions in their policy statements and plans at least every 10 years.
Section 360(hk) and (hl) allow regulations to be made that specify requirements for indicators, standards, methods, thresholds and the timing of reporting.