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Quality Planning
The Quality Planning Resource
Plan Steps
Plan Making
Plan Components
Consultation for Plan Development
Consultation with Tangata Whenua
Use of Commissioners
Designations, Notices of Requirement and Outline Plans
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Plan Steps
Structuring and Organising Plans
Writing Provisions for Plans
Section 32
Notifying Proposed Plans
Submissions On A Plan
Making Decisions on a Plan
Preparing Decision
Section 32 Rigour
The Perennial Triennial Problem
Hearings Powers
The Balance of Time
Making Decisions
Appeals to the Environment Court
Making Plans Operative
Private Plan Change Process
Plan Topics
Aggregate and Quarry
Agricultural Aviation
Air Quality
Climate Change
Coastal Land Development
Earthworks Management
Esplanade Reserves and Access
Hazardous Substances under the RMA
Historic Heritage
Indigenous Biodiversity
Mixed Use or Activity
Noise Management in Mixed-use Urban Environments
Non-Residential Activities in Residential Areas
Natural Hazards
Structure Planning
Transport and Transport Noise
Land Transport Noise
Land Transport
Wine Industry
Consent Steps
Receipt of an Application
Assessing Application and Environmental Effects
Requesting Further Information
To Notify or Not
Notified and Limited Notified Resource Consent Applications
Writing the report
Non Notified Resource Consents
Recommending the Duration and Lapse Period
Making a Decision
Issuing a Resource Consent
Consents, Compliance and Complaints Monitoring
Resource Consent Conditions
Consent Support
Direct Referral
Resource Consent Consultation
Certificates of Compliance
Consent Processing Administration
Setting Charges
Administering Consent Charges
Use of Commissioners
Contracting Out Resource Consent Processing
Reading and Interpreting Titles
FAQ’s about Iwi Management Plans
FAQ’s about Cultural Impact Assessments
Getting Started
State of the Environment Monitoring
Policy and Plan Effectiveness Monitoring
What to do once plan effectiveness is established
National Planning Standards
Consents, Compliance and Complaints Monitoring
Delegations and Transfers
Tools, Indicators and Data Management
Review and Reporting
Investigation of Incidents
Application for a Declaration
Mandatory Directives
Imposing Penalties
Managing Noise
Emergency Powers
Enforcing Plans and Consents
Terms. Definitions, Forms and Checklists
Enforcement Case Law Summaries
Related Laws
QP Resources
QP Library (old)
Air Quality
Coastal Land Development
Contaminated Lands
Culture and Heritage
Dispute Resolution and Consultation
Natural Hazards
Resource Consents
Rural Areas
Sustainable Development
feedback on guidance notes
Feedback on guidance notes
Feedback on guidance notes
What existing QP guidance notes do you think need to be updated and why?
What new guidance would you like to see on the QP guidance note?
What existing QP guidance notes do you use most frequently? Do you have any suggestions on how these may be improved?